Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Working Together As A Group!

Group work teaches students about how problems can be broken down into component tasks that can be assigned to individual members of the group. It can involve students in discussions with their peers and can motivate them to excel. Moreover, group work mimics many of the cooperative relationships that are required of adults in their workplaces—group work at school prepares your child for future work.

Students might use their computers to communicate with each other while working on group projects; to do so they might take advantage of e-mail, instant messaging, or chat rooms. More advanced software such as Microsoft's NetMeeting allows users to have "virtual" conferences.

How files will be shared depends on what kind of project the students are working on. If they are working on a collective report (such as a written essay or a graphic presentation) they might use e-mail to send word processing (e.g., Microsoft Word) or presentation (e.g., PowerPoint) files to one another.


  1. Almost every individual has experienced, in one way or another, how it is to work in a group - from his childhood games to wherever he is now earning his living. Unfortunately not every group succeeds in its objectives or goals. Failure is a possible consequence whenever we get into a challenge. However we can always avoid this much dreaded failure if every member of a group would not fail to use or exercise and actually do some TEAMWORK.

  2. I agree with the points you made about working together as a group. By working together every one is able to develop and understand ideas in different ways.

  3. Technology is important in schools because its not only used around our community but it's integrated in our society and most of our surrounding uses technology. There are four key components of learning: active engagement, participation in groups, frequent interaction and feedback, and connection to real-world experts. Effective technology integration is achieved when the use of technology is routine and transparent and when technology supports curricular goals. Technology also changes the way teachers teach by offering affective ways to help teach different types of learners and access students understanding. Technology not only is an advance way of teaching but it can makes teaching meaningful and fun.
